
 Risks in the Yasuní National Park Ecosystem

The previous and current governments of Ecuador have seen the Yasuní National Park as another resource, without realizing that in the future people, flora and fauna of this place were going to be affected, the ambition of these governments was to generate income through extraction of oil, that if it can be an economic alternative but it is not the best decision. In carrying out these works, the deforestation of many tropical areas is carried out, leaving animal species without their habitat.

Block 31 is named for the location where oil is extracted in large quantities. When making the structures of oil wells, failures in their construction are evidenced causing leakage of black gold (Petroleum), causing contamination of rivers. This has caused diseases such as hepatitis, syphilis and skin diseases to date, this occurs due to the use of contaminated water, either when drinking it, preparing food, bathing and washing clothes. As we know, water is absorbed by plants, as these waters are infected, it causes their death, leaving people and animals without food.
Aquatic, terrestrial and aerial animals have lost their habitat due to deforestation and as a result of this they took unknown directions, and feeling unprotected without knowing how to defend themselves and feed themselves they die, in the same way all this fauna when ingesting the contaminated water after minutes, hours and days appear dead.

From my point of view, Block 31 must be removed from this Amazon area because it has caused disasters around it and deaths of living beings. It must be conserved this nature that is part of our Cultural Heritage of Humanity, due to its wide and diverse vegetation and different species of animals. Without a doubt, the Amazon rainforest is the lung of planet earth.

Message: The Yasuní National Park is an area at risk due to its biodiversity, this place has been considered rich for several treasures to be conserved within it, for this reason it must be protected without contaminating its ecosystem and leaving oil and mining areas.

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